Our Accelerated Learning Session
Our Sales Team recently underwent an Accelerated Learning session that was facilitated by our very own, David. It is always a very useful and insightful topic to refresh our memories on. We frequently try to ensure every one of the Steemies has had a recent accelerated Learning Session so that we can keep the foundation that Esteem was built upon, alive.
For those who are wondering what it is, Accelerated learning has been around since the 1930s and has been well researched and developed. It is based on the facts assimilated over the last 50 years on how the human brain functions, and therefore the learning capacities of individuals. It is built around the Howard Gardner seven learning intelligences and can be applied to all aspects of learning and communication. Methods and delivery of “learning” must match the thinking and learning styles of individuals. The aim must be to give people facts and skills but also the means and confidence to find out for themselves.
Accelerated Learning is an approach that Esteem adopted for everything we do – from designing and delivering our training through our in-person Workshops, our materials and toolkits, as well as all of our own internal processes. The main aim for this is so that our candidates are as engaged as possible, as well as our own people so that we can continue to provide our candidates and employers with an exceptional service.
Trudy has built Esteem based on the Accelerated Learning principles as she had been studying and working with it for years. She is incredibly enthusiastic about appealing to a group of varied learning preferences – we believe it is the key to our on-going success in developing people!
If you want to find out your learning style, click here, it might just surprise you!