A Brand New Marketing Coordinator Steemie… Laura!

As of mid-April, Laura has joined our team as Marketing Coordinator and is doing a FAB job.

Esteem Team

Laura had joined us officially on possibly one of the best types of weeks we could induct her on. On her first day, we had a Team Day, where the entire team had met up at the Whisky Bond Boardroom and caught up on business activity in all departments. On the Second Day, a wee bit more of a relaxed day at the office carrying out inductions with other Steemies. On the third Day, Laura attended 2 workshops in one day at the Westerwood Hotel for our current Construction Site Supervisor MA programme as well as the beginning of a new Construction Site Supervisor MA programme. On the fourth day, Laura attended the Occupational Work Supervisor MA workhop at the Westerwood Hotel and on the 5th and final day of the week, Laura attended the full day Contracting Operations Management MA programme. Talk about a full-on week! She was in dire need of a weekend!

It was a bit of a test strategy for inductions as we had a lot going on during this week, and it was a great way to let Laura see all types of aspects of Esteem Ltd. Attending workshops is always one of the important parts of a new Steemie’s induction as its great for them to see Esteem’s live products and understand what it is that we truly work towards achieving.

We are thrilled to have Laura now on board as she is experienced in the marketing field and has a wealth of advice and professionalism to bring to the role, as well as the fact that she graduated with a Masters in Marketing at Strathclyde University. She is also assisting Andy in the Sales Team, which is of great use at the moment with Martina being off on Maternity leave with her brand new baby, Ava!

We hope that Laura enjoys her career with Esteem as we are very happy to be working with her.

To meet the rest of our Steemies, visit our website!




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