Esteem attend Build It – Aberdeen Construction and Property Conference 2019

After the success of last year’s Build It Aberdeen Conference, the event returned this year to the delight of the Steemies.

Esteem have many clients in Aberdeen and hold multiple SVQ Level 3 and 4 workshops in the city. Build It 2019 gives us the opportunity to meet new and existing clients, as well as finding out the hot topics in construction. We were welcomed with a great morning reception, including some lovely bacon rolls. It was great to network with clients Nicol of Skene and CALA, whilst also meeting new partners from CITB and Project Scotland.

The theme of this year’s conference was sustainability, with a focus on how digitisation and innovation can help in the aid of sustainable construction. Building for a sustainable future and the cost of sustainability were also notable themes on the day.

The conference began with a passionate presentation from Keynote speaker Professor Sandy Halliday. Professor Halliday highlighted the importance of sustainable construction, using sustainable materials and creating buildings that will stand the test of time.

A notable quote from her presentation was ‘Everything must go somewhere’ (Barry Commoner) which highlighted the importance of reusing and recycling materials, otherwise, we’ll have a surplus of materials and no where to put them.

There were many other great speakers including a presentation on Smart Buildings and GDPR by Kirk Tudhope. Kirk showed us the impact advancements in technology within the construction industry and beyond has on our privacy. Graham Robertson from Project Scotland entertained the entire room with his presentation, detailing the different perceptions of each generation – with mine being the most lazy, entitled and difficult to manage…

All the speakers on the day were incredibly passionate and highly knowledgeable within the industry. It was motivating to be in a room filled with people who have a shared passion to create a sustainable future in construction.

A big thank you to Build It Aberdeen 2019 for having us, we can’t wait for next year!

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