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Category: Products
Funded places available on our regional SVQ3 workshops for Site Supervisors
Regional SVQ3 Workshops for Site Supervisors Our SVQ3 Site Supervisors programmes are a recognised route to CSCS Gold card. They are funded by Skills Development Scotland and companies can also claim £3500 CITB Modern Apprenticeship grant on certification. Sign up to our funded SVQ3 workshop programmes for Supervisors – places available in Aberdeen, Cumbernauld, Dumfries…
Funded places available on our upcoming SVQ3 programmes for Site Supervisors
Esteem Training New Year, New You Whatever your new year resolution is for 2022, Esteem Training have you covered for your Supervisor construction training Sign up to our funded online SVQ3 programmes for Supervisors by the 14th January to kick start the New Year We have a 92% success rate and 100% of our customers…
26 Candidates Begin Our Next SVQ Level 4 Programme
Last week saw the start of our 4th Central SVQ Level 4: Construction Site Management programme at the Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld. The 26 candidates came from a variety of companies including Amco Giffen, Ashwood Scotland, Clancy Docwra, Procladd (Scotland) Limited, Souness & Boyne Interior Contracts Limited, P&D Scotland Ltd, Tarmac Scotland Ltd, JW Build and…
Our very first Modern Apprenticeship Contracting Operations Management Programme Comes to a Wonderful End
May marked the final workshop of our pilot Construction Contracting Operations Management Modern Apprenticeship programme. As always it was a bit of an emotional farewell to the candidates that we have been working with closely over the past 6 months on a developmental workshop basis, but we are excited to see what they will achieve…
Third time’s the charm with our Wates Construction Leadership and Management Masterclass!
Another successful Wates Construction Leadership and Management Masterclass took place at the end of February in the Wates site office based in Romford. 11 delegates attended the Masterclass who were from the Wates supply chain and they got a lot out of it, with interest shown in taking part in an NVQ 7 with us…
The Perks of being an Esteem Assessor… the Views!
One of the many perks of being an Esteem assessor is the possibility involved in travelling to some stunning locations around the UK when doing onsite visits or face to face 1:1 sessions with our candidates. NVQ 7 Construction Senior Site Management candidate Assessing Trudy is currently working with three NVQ 7 Construction Senior Site…
Magic Man? NVQ 7 Suggested Repair Company to Work with
Following from the last NVQ 7 workshop that Trudy attended, she was told about a company called Magic Man and she thought we should share it with our construction related audience! Magic Man is a repair, renew and restore company that can fix just about everything and anything and our Level 7 candidates had confirmed…
HSE Guides for the Busy Builders of SMEs
Another suggestion from Esteem’s NVQÂ 7 candidates was the guides and templates that HSE have provided on their website. They were initially published back in 2017, but have been updated and are ideal for the Busy Builders that belong to SMEs who might not have access to these naturally. You can click here to be…
Recruitment now open for our Modern Apprenticeship Construction Site Supervision Development Programme! Get in touch with us!
We are now recruiting for our Modern Apprenticeship Construction Site Supervision SVQ Developmental programme. If you are interested in developing your site supervisors, get in touch with Andy from Esteem to book them onto our 100% funded programme! If you are interested in what other Modern Apprenticeship programmes we have to offer, click here to…
Did you know you could access Funding to Progress to Management via Modern Apprenticeships?
This week marked the end of yet another one of our fantastic Modern Apprenticeship Occupational Work Supervisor programmes. As always, we built a great relationship with our candidates, welcoming a host of candidates from Tempus 4, WGM Engineering, Morris and Spottiswood, Oregon Timber Frame Ltd and Platform Interior Solutions. The final workshop is a good time…