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All eyes on the CITB NI Funded Pilot NVQ6 programme
Exciting times in Northern Ireland last week, as the brand new NI Level 6 programme was launched.
We were lucky enough to have David Cooper (Director CITB NI) on hand to welcome the candidates and the buzz around this new programme could be felt around the room.
Trudy and Debbie from Esteem were delighted to meet the 20 candidates and are looking forward to working with them on the workshops.
Trudy commented “It’s fantastic to see this programme launch and it’s a definite sign from CITB NI that they are serious about their commitment to management development”. CITB NI are funding 80% of the programme.
CITB NI are also part-funding an NVQ4 Pilot Programme – aimed at Site Foremen and Supervisors and commencing in January 2016. There are 15 funded places available – if you are interested contact Martina Hofner for more detail.
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