Free Online NCRQ Safety for Managers Qualification

The NCRQ Level 3 National Compliance and Risk Qualification Award in Safety for Managers is new qualification featuring world-class films, immersive case studies, and presented by architect George Clarke.

This qualification is now available through an online immersive course and is currently being offered FREE OF CHARGE for a limited time (usually £195 + VAT). 

NCRQ have echoed one of their core values ‘purpose beyond profit’ and are offering this free course to allow people facing challenging times to gain a qualification. It is incredibly generous of NCRQ to offer this course for free during lockdown.

The course consists of risk assessments and practical exercises and is expected to take 12 hours of your time, however some of our clients have completed it much faster.

One of our clients who completed the course explained the process:

“When you have completed the risk assessments and uploaded them, you then book a 15 minute chat with one of their trainers so they can verbally assess that you have understood the materials. They will then award you the certificate. I think it’s extremely worthwhile. It’s not all construction-based so it does get you thinking about other types of workplaces rather than just sites that we are all familiar with”

The Steemies are definitely going to take advantage of this opportunity and upskill members of our team!

We hope that all our clients and candidates can learn new skills and formalise their knowledge.

If you’re interested in the NCRQ Safety for Managers Award then please click here

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