Operation Christmas Child Mission Accomplished!

This year I volunteered for the first time for Operation Christmas Child (OCC). Esteem was kind enough to give me paid leave to work in my local warehouse which meant I could volunteer during the day as well as in the evenings. OCC appeal for people to donate a shoebox filled with gifts to give to a child in need at Christmas time. OCC volunteers (thatโ€™s me) then check the contents are suitable and pack them onto the lorries. Occasionally the boxes contain unsuitable gifts that have to be removed and some could do with topping up so OCC rely also on donations of โ€œfillersโ€ such as teddies and hats to add to the shoeboxes. Esteem donated 200 fillers which made a massive difference.
The boxes from our warehouse were destined for Montenegro in Eastern Europe. We found out yesterday that the boxes have arrived so the children will get their gifts in time for Christmas. These children have very little and often have no family either. The shoebox gifts bring a little ray of sunshine into their lives and I am very proud to be part of that. I am also proud and privileged to work for a company who has a NFP scheme as part of their ethos.


One response to “Operation Christmas Child Mission Accomplished!”

  1. Hi Vicki, Great to read your blog about volunteering, and particularly that Esteem were able to give you time to help out at the warehouse – so pleased to hear you enjoyed your time with your local team of volunteers! In case you hadn’t spotted this, one of our staff went out to Montenegro to distribute the boxes. His blog can be read here: http://www.samaritans-purse.org.uk/Blog (it starts lower down the page at “Friday 21 December”). If I can provide any further help or advice, please let me know! (Corinna @ OCC)