A proud moment for Esteem over our first MCIOB status acclaimed candidate!

MCIOB Achieved!

One of our previous candidates who completed their NVQ 7 in Construction Senior Management with us has recently achieved his MCIOB status, which is amazing news!

Stacey Meadows, from Morrisroe acquired his MCIOB status in August 2017 and we couldn’t be happier for him. He said that the reflective accounts that he had to complete in his NVQ 7 were similar to the extent of information that had to be provided in the application form, which just shows that not only do Esteem prepare our candidates with the knowledge required for Senior Management but we also ensure that our candidates obtain these important skills that can be transferred through to an MCIOB application.

We have another candidate from a past NVQ 7 programme that is currently going through the MCIOB status application, and hearing that the guidance and support we offered Stacey in the lead up to his MCIOB application worked, this is a very proud moment for Esteem and we can’t wait to hear of more success stories.

Congratulations Stacey!

We always love to hear of our candidate achievements even after completing a qualification with us! If you would like to find out more  information about the qualifications we offer then please visit our website at www.esteemtraining.com for more information.

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