The Steemies celebrate Trudy’s Birthday – Cinco De Mayo Style

Esteem decided to celebrate our MD Trudy’s big Birthday (yes 21 again!)  in the most vibrant and fun way we could and what better way than a Cinco De Mayo themed event at Singl’end, Glasgow?


The whole team, from all corners of Scotland met up in the Glasgow office for pre-drinks and for Trudy to open her gift – a Knomo backpack which will serve her well on her travels up and down the country to deliver our workshops.  We then walked into town for our Cinco De Mayo celebrations at a local restaurant – Singl’end in Glasgow (highly recommended).


A ball was had by all – and lots of dancing to  the wonderful salsa band.  Dancing was definitely helped by the free flowing Mojitos (and a cheeky wee tequila shot).  Thankfully there was a Mexican banquet of nachos, tacos, black beans and rice and a desert of Chilli Chocolate tequila cake…MMM…


At the end of the night Trudy even got to pop the piñata!


Great to have the excuse to get the team together – being a remote team it doesn’t happen often  …but when it does…


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