Welcome to our New Look Website!

Welcome to our first blog! It has been a very exciting and busy few months for the ‘Steemies’ and we have come a long way with our new website!  We are very excited about it and we hope you like it as much as we do.

In keeping with the Esteem brand values, we have tried to make our new website simple, fun and interactive. We put our creative minds together to revamp our products and logos.  We have also created new branding guidelines, which we have used throughout the website.

We have to admit that we had a secret weapon to help aid all of this – Tom Holmes! Tom brought our ideas to life by creating fun new characters and images for each of our products. With thanks to Tom, we are pleased to be able introduce Mr Construction Manager, Mrs Management+ and friends! Check them out here.

The team will be blogging regularly about our Esteem escapades.

We would really appreciate your feedback on the new look and feel of the website, so please leave a comment below – enjoy!

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